YÜKSƏL project targets stereotypes
YÜKSƏL project targets stereotypes

A well-known journalist, researcher, Ph.D. in political sciences Aynur Bashirli on February 13 gave a lecture titled “Who we love and who we don’t love ...”. The lecture was held as part of the  YÜKSƏL educational project for youth and students, which is implemented on the initiative of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Baku Book Center with the financial support from BP Azerbaijan. The lecture was attended by students of BSU, Khazar University, AUL, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku Engineering University, Baku Girls University, Azerbaijan University, Baku State Oil Energy College as well as representatives of the student volunteer program “Bir” of the Ministry of Education. During the lecture, Aynur Bashirli touched upon gender, social and cultural stereotypes in the press and society, spoke about their influence on choice, about the creativity that occurs in the process of moving away from stereotypes, and  gave many real-life examples of the creation and formation of stereotypes. The participants took part in the discussion. At the end of the event, students were presented with books recommended by the speaker.