Chief doctor of the military hospital of the State Border Service, doctor of medical sciences, surgeon Kenan Yusif-zade on Nov. 30 hosted a workshop as part of “YÜKSƏL” educational project of the Baku Book Center. A workshop themed “Gastrointestinal health: how, when and how much?” Kenan Yusif-zade dwelled on the main symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases and the main factors causing these diseases, talked about generally accepted treatment regimens. The gastroenterologist said that some gastrointestinal diseases have become widespread. This is due to many factors, in particular, genetics, overeating, bad habits, poor diet, and metabolic disorders, etc. The seminar was attended by students of Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku State University, Baku Eurasian University and Medical College. They were presented with books recommended by the doctor for reading and discussion at the next events within the project.