Mercedes-Benz Milestones
Mercedes-Benz Milestones


Категория: Искусство
Автор: Michael Köckritz (Editor)
Жанр: Encyclopedia
ISBN: 9783961715596

The ultimate Mercedes-Benz guide: the icons of the car brand in a visually stunning coffee table book And now, we continue with the rapid Milestone series by teNeues, which is delves into the greatest car brands in the world. After Porsche and BMW, this time we explore the automotive history of the Stuttgart flagship brand, Mercedes-Benz. In the visually stunning coffee table book "Mercedes-Benz Milestones", Michael Köckritz, the editor of the internationally acclaimed automotive culture magazine ramp, takes his readers on a journey through the company's history of the internationally coveted German automaker. He presents the icons of the car brand in a historical overview, arranged chronologically from the company's founding to the present day.